Before starting a backup of Cybozu Garoon
Revised on June 24, 2015
Please take the following procedures to preconfigure the required settings before starting backup of Cybozu Garoon .
* Cybozu Garoon 3 and 4 are supported.
- In case that MySQL in Cybozu Garoon is used, MySQL is located at different path from the standard location. Please execute the following in console to create a hyperlink to the location.
# mkdir -p /var/lib/mysql
# ln -s /usr/local/cybozu/mysql-5.0/data/mysql.sock /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
By default, Cybozu Garoon is installed in the above location.
If you customized the location, please change the path accordingly.
- When hyperlink is created, launch ActiveImage console, select [Preference] - [MySQL] and configure MySQL server administrator account settings.
- When you completed administrator account settings, please execute a backup task.
Upon starting backup processing (creating a snapshot), MySQL database is temporarily locked to backup.
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